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Hotjar is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how their site visitors are interacting with their website. It offers a suite of tools including heatmaps, visitor recordings, conversion funnels, form analysis and feedback polls to help website owners optimize their user experience. With Hotjar, website owners can see where users click, how far they scroll down a page, which pages receive the most attention and more. This data allows website owners to identify areas for improvement and make changes that will increase conversions and improve user satisfaction.

Hotjar’s heatmap tool is particularly useful as it provides a visual representation of where users are clicking on a webpage. This helps website owners identify which elements of the page are receiving the most attention and which are being ignored. The visitor recording feature also provides valuable insights into how users navigate through the site, allowing website owners to identify any barriers to conversion or areas where users may be getting stuck. Overall, Hotjar is an essential tool for any website owner looking to improve their user experience and increase conversions.


•Hotjar is a comprehensive tool that provides insights into user behavior on websites and apps.

• It offers features such as heatmaps, recordings, surveys, polls and more to help businesses understand their customers better.

• Hotjar’s analytics platform helps identify areas of improvement for website performance by providing real-time data about how users interact with the site or app.

• The platform also allows users to create custom surveys and polls which can be used to collect feedback from visitors in order to improve customer experience.

• Additionally, Hotjar offers A/B testing capabilities so businesses can test different versions of their webpages or apps before making any changes live.

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