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klaviyo flows

Every Klaviyo Flow Your Store Needs 

Klaviyo’s flows are the lifeblood of modern eCommerce. They provide a powerful combination of automation and personalization that can take your business from lukewarm to sizzling hot. 

Imagine yourself walking through a maze full of pathways that lead you in different directions. Each path represents an opportunity for growth, but without knowing which way is best, it’s hard to know where to turn. 

That’s why Klaviyo flows are essential – they give you a roadmap for success! With each flow tailored specifically to address customer needs and maximize revenue potential, there’s no better tool available than Klaviyo. You can use it for email marketing and SMS to take your store to new heights.

In this article, we’ll discuss every type of Klaviyo flow you need to use and how they can help your business reach its goals. So let’s explore what these amazing flows offer.

Table of Contents

Welcome Series Flow

The Welcome Series flow is essential to any new user onboarding strategy. It’s the perfect way to greet and introduce new customers or subscribers to your brand and inform them about what they can expect from you in the future. You can make a great first impression on potential buyers or new subscribers by emailing a welcome series.

Including valuable information in your Welcome Series emails is key; it should be tailored to each customer’s interests and preferences. 

When crafting these messages, provide helpful resources like product recommendations, exclusive discounts for first-time buyers, additional tips about getting the most out of your products and services, and more.

Creating a positive experience with your Welcome Series will help customers feel welcomed and appreciated from the beginning of their journey with you. This will go a long way in developing strong relationships between customers and your business – relationships built on trust and engagement!

Abandoned Cart Flow

Studies show that nearly 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Customers add items to their cart but don’t complete the checkout process before leaving the site. It’s a missed opportunity for your business! Klaviyo flows can help you turn these abandoned carts into conversions and drive more revenue for your business.

Klaviyo makes it easy to create automated flows based on when shoppers leave your website without completing checkout. You can set up an Abandoned Cart flow to send emails or SMS messages with product recommendations, discounts, and other incentives to entice them to finish their purchases. You can also use this same flow to re-engage customers who haven’t purchased in some time.

These powerful automations make reducing cart abandonment and increasing customer loyalty easier than ever. With Klaviyo, you can quickly identify which customers have left something behind in their cart and engage them at just the right moment with relevant content that encourages them to take action and convert into paying customers.

Customer Winback Flows

Winbacks are an essential part of any successful email marketing strategy. It involves re-engaging customers who have previously bought from your business, attempted to buy from you but didn’t complete the purchase, or abandoned their shopping cart. The main goal of winback campaigns is to reactivate past customers and get them to make a comeback purchase.

Klaviyo offers several pre-built flows that allow you to create customized winback campaigns based on individual customer behavior. 

These include: 

  • Abandoned Cart Flow – reminds shoppers about items left in their carts
  • Reactivation Flow – reaches out to inactive subscribers
  • Welcome Back Series – encourages return purchases by offering discounts or coupons. 

All these flows are designed with reconversion in mind – they provide personalized messages tailored to each recipient’s specific needs and behaviors.

Using Klaviyo’s automated Winback Flows, businesses can increase sales while building loyalty among existing customers. Through targeted messaging that emphasizes convenience, special deals, and brand trustworthiness, companies can successfully reach out to past buyers and encourage them to return for more.

Back In Stock Flow

When something runs out, it seems your dreams have been snatched away. But when items come back in stock, it’s a chance for new beginnings and happy reunions.

Klaviyo provides the perfect tools to make sure you don’t miss any of those special moments:

  1. Back-in-Stock Notification – Keep customers updated on their favorite products that are now available again.
  2. Out-of-Stock Alerts – Let customers know when an item they want is no longer stocked so they can plan accordingly.
  3. Inventory Low Notifications – Send notifications when inventory is running low so customers can get what they need before it’s gone again.
  4. Restocking Reminder & Reorder Alerts – Ensure customers remember to check back if they missed out and order more when necessary.

These features ensure customers never miss another restock or reorder opportunity, making life easier for them and you! With Klaviyo’s powerful flows, shoppers can get all the information they need with ease and joy every time something comes back into stock.

Post-Purchase Follow-Up Flow

Now that you have a back-in-stock flow, looking at post-purchase follow-up is important. This is part of the customer experience where customers feel appreciated and connected with your brand or business.

The two key components of post-purchase follow-up are order confirmation and purchase confirmation. Order confirmation lets customers know their order has been placed successfully, while purchase confirmation confirms payment was successful and the product will be shipped soon. Both emails should include all relevant information about the transaction: date, time, item(s) purchased, etc.

Post Purchase Email TypeExamples
Order ConfirmationThank you for ordering! We’ve received your order & it is being processed now. Here are more details.
Transaction Follow-UpYour payment was successful & we’ll start shipping soon! Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you before then. Check out our FAQ page here.
Customer Experience SurveyHow did you like shopping with us? By filling out this survey, tell us what could make future purchases even better.

Post-Purchase emails also provide an opportunity to add value beyond just confirming orders and payments – such as cross-selling products related to their original purchase or providing helpful resources like guides and tutorials. Doing so ensures customers remember their positive experiences with your brand and encourages them to return.

It’s essential to ensure each step of the customer journey provides a seamless transition from one email type to another – starting with when they first receive notification about their back-in-stock item through completing their purchase and receiving post-purchase follow-up emails containing necessary information regarding their transaction. 

Crafting engaging yet informative content across different posts helps create meaningful relationships between businesses and customers, resulting in higher retention rates over time.

Product Review Flow

Product reviews are a great way to learn the ins and outs of a product before purchasing. They can also provide valuable insight into how people interact with the product once they’ve bought it. That’s why having an effective product review strategy is so important for businesses today.

Review collection starts by incentivizing customers to leave feedback about your products or services. Through discounts, rewards, exclusive offers, or giveaways, offering incentives encourages customers to share their experiences. Once you have some initial reviews, focus on getting repeat reviewers who will become brand ambassadors for your business.

Managing customer reviews is also key to success; responding quickly and courteously shows that you value their opinion and take proactive steps toward resolving any issues. Furthermore, leveraging customer reviews in marketing campaigns attracts more potential buyers while reinforcing trust within existing relationships.

A solid plan allows you to make informed decisions to improve the customer experience and build loyalty over time. With the right review-collection strategies, companies can increase sales opportunities while creating stronger relationships with current customers, allowing them to stand out from competitors at every turn!

Upsell & Cross-Sell Flow

Upsells and cross-sells are powerful tools that can make a huge difference in any business’s bottom line. Using Klaviyo, you can easily set up automated flows to maximize the potential of both strategies.

Upselling is when you suggest customers buy a more expensive version of a product they’ve already shown an interest in or purchased. This could mean offering options with higher specs, larger sizes, etc. You also want to be sure your upsell emails include related products that complement the original purchase.

Cross-selling is similar but instead involves suggesting other items from within your store that may relate to the item initially viewed or purchased by the customer. For example, if someone purchases running shoes, it would be beneficial to offer them socks since this would likely increase their overall order value. Both upsell and cross-sell flows should be used together for maximum impact.

Klaviyo makes it easy to create automated series promotions, like discount codes and promotional emails, which help encourage customers to take advantage of these offers while boosting sales simultaneously. Allowing you to customize each email based on previous actions taken by each customer ensures that everyone receives only relevant messages tailored just for them!

Birthday Flow

It’s no surprise that birthdays are big business. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans spent over 8 billion dollars on birthday-related items in 2018 alone. It’s essential for businesses looking to capitalize on this opportunity to make sure their Klaviyo flow includes messages about birthday wishes, greetings, celebrations, and gifts.

The first step is understanding your customer base and how often they celebrate birthdays. Offer a subscription service or membership plan. It might be easy to track when customers sign up each year and send them an automated message with birthday wishes or a discount code at the time of their anniversary with your brand. 

For those who don’t have recurring purchases, you can still create segments based on the past purchase date and use automation rules to trigger happy birthday emails.

When creating content for these campaigns, keep in mind what kind of products would make great presents: 

  • Include images of gift cards if available.
  • Highlight any special discounts related to birthdays.
  • Mention rewards points or loyalty program benefits customers can receive from celebrating with your company.
  • Create videos showcasing popular products as well as tips on using them.
  • Suggest ways customers can repurpose other items into something unique for a loved one’s upcoming birthday celebration – think DIY cards or custom photo albums! 

No matter your messaging strategy, ensure it appeals to current customers and potential buyers by ensuring all elements feel personalized yet consistent throughout your Klaviyo flow.

Loyalty Program Flow

A loyalty program is a great way to increase customer engagement and retention. It can also help you reward customers who are loyal to your brand, encouraging them to shop repeatedly. Loyalty programs typically award loyalty points or rewards for purchases, which can be redeemed for discounts or other rewards.

The structure of the loyalty program should depend on your specific needs and those of your customers. You may choose different tiers so that customers can earn more rewards based on their spending over time. A tiered system could include basic membership levels with increasing benefits for each tier, such as exclusive offers or early access to sales events.

It’s important to ensure that your loyalty program drives tangible results regarding customer satisfaction and revenue growth. Make sure it’s easy for customers to understand and use the rewards earned by providing clear instructions about how they work. 

Also, consider how often new members join, how many times existing members return, and what kind of impact reward redemption has had on their overall experience with your brand.

Zero-Party Data Collection Flow

Gathering data can be likened to a treasure hunt. You never know what hidden gems you’ll find, and uncovering them is always an exciting challenge. In the marketing world, zero-party data is one such gem; it is customer information collected directly from users, allowing brands to build robust customer relationships.

When collecting zero-party data, there are several techniques and strategies that marketers should employ. For example, surveys or asking customers for reviews and ratings allows companies to learn more about how consumers use their products or services. 

Similarly, having customers fill out opt-in forms when signing up for newsletters or making purchases can provide valuable information for insights into consumer preferences and interests. 

Developing comprehensive data privacy policies also ensures customers understand how the company will use any captured information to protect their details from misuse or exploitation.

These collection processes help organizations better understand their target audiences and allow them to craft tailored messaging that resonates with each customer. 

Gathering zero-party data also helps create trust between businesses and consumers as they fully understand how their personal information is used. As such, investing time and effort into building effective data collection strategies is essential in ensuring successful customer engagement campaigns now — and well into the future.

Anniversary Flow

Anniversaries are a great time to reward customers and show them how much they mean. Anniversary celebrations can be a powerful tool for customer retention and loyalty when used strategically. Klaviyo’s anniversary flow allows businesses to create custom rewards easily and offers to make customers feel appreciated on their special day.

Using Klaviyo’s flexible automation tools, marketers can set up an anniversary campaign with personalized offers tailored to each customer segment. Customers can receive exclusive deals, gifts, and discounts on certain products to celebrate the anniversary. 

This helps brands engage loyal customers while encouraging newcomers to join the company’s email list for more promotions.

Businesses should capitalize on anniversaries by sending timely emails highlighting unique deals or offering free shipping options with relevant product recommendations based on past purchase history. 

Doing so shows appreciation and strengthens relationships with customers who have been part of the journey throughout the years – ultimately creating lifetime value!

Product Price Drop Flow

Dropping prices is one of the most effective strategies for increasing sales. With Klaviyo’s automated flows, you can ensure that your customers get notified when a product drops in price in real-time. In this way, you create an opportunity to engage with them and bring attention to your brand. 

Here are four ways to use Klaviyo’s Product Price Drop Flows:

  1. Price-Drop Alert – Use this flow to notify customers who have previously purchased from you about newly discounted items they might be interested in.
  2. Price-Drop Notification – This flow allows you to send notifications whenever a certain item or selection of products goes on sale.
  3. Price-Drop Reminder – Send periodic reminders to customers about any discounts that may still be available on past purchases or related items they may have missed out on earlier.
  4. Price-Drop Offer – Craft promotional emails featuring deals and discount codes tied to specific products or categories so customers know exactly what savings await them when they shop with you again!

With these powerful tools at your disposal, it’s easy to keep track of all the best deals and ensure your customers don’t miss out on any great offers due to limited availability or timing issues. Leveraging these features will help drive more traffic, increase customer loyalty over time, and provide additional revenue opportunities for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Way To Customize My Klaviyo Flows?

Yes, there is a way to customize your Klaviyo flows. You have plenty of options for personalizing the flow you create with Klaviyo. Whether you’re looking for ways to tailor the look and feel of your emails or want more control over specific elements within the flow editor, here’s what you need to know:

  • Customize email content – With Klaviyo, you can easily change text, images, colors, fonts, and other design elements in each email sent through your flows.
  • Control segmentation – Choose how granularly you’d like to target different segments of customers based on their engagement level and preferences.
  • Automate timing – Set up automated triggers to send messages immediately for maximum impact.
  • Add additional steps – Create multiple branching paths by adding extra steps to your flows as needed.
  • Track results – Monitor metrics such as open rate and click-through rate so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Klaviyo provides abundant customization opportunities, giving users complete control over every aspect of their customer journeys. This enables brands to craft experiences tailored specifically to their audiences—ultimately leading to improved user satisfaction and increased ROI.

How Often Should I Send Emails Through Klaviyo?

How often you should send emails through Klaviyo depends on your specific goals and the engagement of your list. Generally speaking, start slowly and gradually increase frequency as you better understand your audience’s preferences. 

We recommend sending no more than one email per week. Additionally, you should pay close attention to your metrics and adjust your frequency accordingly.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Klaviyo For My Ecommerce Store?

  • Segmentation & Personalization: Klaviyo’s segmentation and personalization capabilities enable you to create tailored experiences for each customer, increasing ROI and improving customer engagement.
  • Automation: Klaviyo’s automation features allow you to quickly create automated campaigns to nurture customers, follow up with them after purchases, and boost re-engagement.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Klaviyo provides detailed analytics and reporting to help you better understand your customer base and identify areas for improvement.
  • Integrations: Klaviyo integrates with various ecommerce platforms, allowing you to sync data and take advantage of their powerful features.
  • Customer Support: Klaviyo’s customer service team provides excellent support and advice to help you make the most out of their platform.


As a business owner, you have to take advantage of tools like Klaviyo that will help maximize the potential of your store. Setting up flows and using best practices is essential for success with this powerful tool. It’s like having an army of virtual assistants working around the clock – they don’t sleep!

Klaviyo is invaluable when it comes to building relationships with customers through personalized communication. You can customize everything from targeting specific segments to sending out automated emails right on schedule (or even faster). Plus, its reporting capabilities allow you to track performance so you know what’s working and what needs improvement.

In short, leveraging Klaviyo in your ecommerce store is necessary to grow and succeed. Its features make managing campaigns easier than ever – almost as easy as breathing! With such tremendous power at your fingertips, there is no limit to how far your business can go.